In an effort to increase synergy across USAID/Mozambique’s programs in order to amplify their collective impact in Nampula Province, Pathfinder International, Population Services International (PSI), World Relief (WR), CARE (Cooperative Assistance and Relief Everywhere) and the Cooperative League of the USA (CLUSA) have established a partnership to implement the Strengthening Communities through Integrated Programming (SCIP) Project. Pathfinder will lead this seasoned Team that has more than 35 collective years of experience working in Mozambique.
Team Member & Project Area of Responsibility
1. Pathfinder- project management
monitoring and evaluation
capacity building
reproductive health, family planning and maternal health
subgranting and subcontracting
2. PSI- communication (Behavior Change, Interpersonal)
3. World Relief- HIV and OVC (orphans and vulnerable children)
interventions, child survival, linkages to non-health programs, FBO (faith-based organizations) networking
4. CLUSA- training of youth farmers in conservation farming
household handling and storage techniques
5. CARE- potable water and sanitation
The SCIP Project aims to strengthen capacity of the public health system, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), and Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) to reach the seven results defined in the RFA. The Project will work at the provincial, district, and community levels in 14 districts of Nampula in a coordinated and complimentary manner with other USG (US Governemnt)-Funded development activities, especially with the Food for Peace Title II Multi-Year Assitance Program (MYAP) Cooperating Sponsor. So for me, the respective areas are: Province- Nampula, District- Monapo, and community- all those within Monapo district, which are many, but the ones we work with the most often are located within 50K of Monapo city.
Pathfinder and its partners are well positioned to rapidly implement activities that will assist the Government of Mozambique and USAID/Mozambique to achieve three Strategic Objectives: rapid rural income growth sustained in target areas; increased use of child survival and reproductive health services in target areas; and transmission of HIV reduced and the impact of the epidemic mitigated.
The Project Goal: SCIP will improve quality of life at the household and community level by improving health and nutrition status and increasing household economic viability. Project results are described under four synergistic objectives: 1) Strengthen and sustain facility health services; 2) Facilitate and promote community health and hygiene behaviors; 3) Enhance livelihood capacity; 4) Increase availability of multi-use water systems for health and wealth. Implementation of interventions supporting these objectives will transform communities and achieve the goal of: Healthier, stronger families, less vulnerable to disease, contributing to increased economic productivity and involved in civil society activities.
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