So it's finally here. My last full day in Lancaster County. Tomorrow my mom, dad, Janine (sister), and Meredith (cousin) are seeing me off in Philadelphia where I will be until Wednesday. Then, at 2am, the 29 other Peace Corps Volunteers and myself will go to JFK airport to fly to Mozambique!! We have a 15 hour 20 minute flight to Johannesburg, then an hour flight to Maputo (the capital of Mozambique).
We will be staying at a hotel in Maputo for four days before heading out to Namaacha, where pre-service training will be held. I'll be spending, what I expect to be, a hard and exhausting 10 weeks in Namaacha, learning about the Mozambican culture, Portuguese, and living with a host family.

Finally, I'd like to say THANK YOU to all of my family and friends who have been so incredibly supportive as I prepare for this exciting adventure. You all make it really hard for a girl to leave home for two years! Thanks to Matt Shapson, who came up with the catchy name for my blog. Thanks to my mom and dad for helping out a broke college kid. Thanks to everyone who celebrated my trip either at my house or Vanessa's. I am truly blessed to have so many people who care about me. And to Kim, Meg, and Renee, I am so excited for you girls and wish you all the happiness in the world. Even if I cannot be at your weddings physically, you can count on a creepy Adrienne mask floating around among the guests :-)